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Misyu is a 100% digital relationship and legacy construction platform that stores messages, photos and files privately and confidentially, and sends them to the recipients chosen by the subscriber at the moments defined by him, whether in life or after his death.

A plataforma funciona por meio de assinaturas mensais, pagas por cartão de crédito ou oferecidas pelos nossos parceiros comerciais e oferece o seguinte plano:

Plano Individual – Possui até 4 GB de espaço de armazenamento e dá acesso a 1 usuário.

O espaço de armazenamento começa com 1 GB e pode evoluir até 4 GB mediante o uso da plataforma dentro de nosso processo de gamificação. Quanto mais etapas você concluir mais espaço irá receber até alcançar os 4 GB. 

Para assinantes pagantes pode ser aumentado o espaço pagando-se um valor por pacotes de 3 GB. 

Também é possível receber espaço adicional de armazenagem de forma gratuita por meio de nossos parceiros.

Os Destinatários são as pessoas escolhidas por você para receberem suas mensagens. 

Para cadastrar um Destinatário você precisará do nome dele, seu telefone e e-mail. No caso do e-mail sugerimos um e-mail pessoal como @gmail ou @hotmail por exemplo e não e-mail de empresas onde a pessoa trabalha. 

Cada mensagem pode ser enviada para um ou diversos Destinatários a serem escolhidos pelo assinante. 

O assinante é responsável por manter os dados de seus Destinatários atualizados. 

Os Destinatários irão receber um aviso no WhatsApp de que uma mensagem sua foi enviada para o e-mail dele(a). Ele(a) irá receber a mensagem e seus anexos no e-mail dele(a). 

Você poderá também ao cadastrar seus Destinatários informar se ele é beneficiário de seu seguro de vida, previdência privada ou plano funerário. Essa informação não substitui a indicação e atualização de seus beneficiários, diretamente junto a seguradora onde você contratou o seguro, onde os dados devem estar sempre atualizados. Se você tiver acesso a plataforma por uma seguradora, você nos autoriza a compartilhar essa informação com a seguradora em caso de falecimento, visando assim facilitar o contato com essas pessoas e honrar os pagamentos devidos.

At Misyu, you assemble messages in a simple way, from the following tripod: “WHAT?”, “FOR WHOM?” and WHEN?".

In “WHAT?”, you can include videos, photos, texts, documents and even music.

In “TO WHOM?”, you can choose one or several people as recipients of messages.

In “WHEN?”, you define whether you want to send each message now, at a date in the future or even after your death.

These are messages that you can put together in life to surprise a loved one, or even as a way to apologize. We understand that it is often difficult to apologize face to face, and the Message in Life can help with that. We believe that excuses heal hurts, and without hurts we live happier and longer.

There are 3 types of Messages.

Messages in Life  

These are messages that you can put together in life to surprise a loved one, or even as a way to apologize. We understand that it is often difficult to apologize face to face, and the Message in Life can help with that. We believe that excuses heal hurts, and without hurts we live happier and longer.

If you prefer, use the Time Capsule and schedule a message for yourself or someone special 5 years from now, for example.

Communicating our affections is a way to invest in our relationships with the people we love, and it helps to promote a lighter life, full of mental and emotional health. We hope that by using our platform, you can get even closer to the people you really love and that together you can build a beautiful legacy. 

Posthumous messages

Posthumous Messages are created by the subscriber so that their family and friends can receive guidance, documents and even wills, as well as emotional messages left in videos, photos, music and text. These messages are sent on the day of death or at periods defined by the subscriber, such as the next day, two months or even years after his death. 

Special Messages

As Special Messages foram pensadas para, em caso de falecimento do assinante, deixar mensagens para os entes queridos em ocasiões especiais como formaturas, casamentos e nascimentos de filhos ou netos, etc. 

Essas mensagens são disparadas pelos tutores após o falecimento do assinante.


The Tutors are the 2 people chosen by the subscriber to notify Misyu of their death. They must be people close to the subscriber, with knowledge of their family, so that they can be informed of a possible death firsthand.

Colocamos 2 Tutores por medida de segurança, pois assim podemos confirmar o falecimento com o segundo tutor antes de dispararmos as mensagens.

Os Tutores têm um papel fundamental na plataforma Misyu. Eles garantem que as Mensagens Póstumas programadas pelo assinante sejam enviadas com sucesso. 

Being a Tutor is an act of love and trust.

The Tutor must access the platform with their login and password. Within the logged area, the Tutor must click on Inform Death. After clicking on Inform Death, he must fill in the Death Date in the specific field and then click on Finish.

Pronto. Com essa informação, iremos entrar em contato com o segundo Tutor e confirmar o falecimento. Após a confirmação, as mensagens serão entregues conforme definido pelo assinante.

Once the death is confirmed, Posthumous Messages organized by the subscriber begin to be sent to family and friends – both guidelines and documents, as well as affective messages left in videos, photos, music and texts. Posthumous messages organizadas de forma cronológica pelo assinante – tanto orientações e documentos, quanto mensagens afetivas deixadas em vídeos, fotos, músicas e textos.

Além disso, após o falecimento dos assinantes, os Tutores nos avisam quando enviar as Special Messages que o assinante preparou para ocasiões como formaturas, casamentos e nascimentos de filhos ou netos. Desta forma, poderemos enviar essas mensagens aos seus entes queridos nesses momentos tão especiais.

A Misyu é uma plataforma 100% digital, que armazena e envia mensagens, fotos ou arquivos de forma privada e confidencial, reveladas apenas à destinatários escolhidos pelo assinante em vida ou após seu falecimento. Os Tutores não têm acesso à nenhum conteúdo das mensagens salvas pelos assinantes na plataforma pois as mesmas são criptografadas. 

Os Tutores podem cadastrar novos tutores após o falecimento do assinante caso um dos tutores cadastrados não esteja ativo, ou não tenha se ativado na plataforma.

Os Tutores podem receber mensagens do assinante, mas para isso precisam ser cadastrados pelo assinante como Destinatários e somente terão acesso às mensagens a eles direcionadas.

When a person dies, a survey is carried out to ascertain all assets and rights left by the deceased. After this survey, the sharing between the heirs will be made.

HERITAGE WILL: Manifestation of last will by which an individual disposes, for after death, in all or part of his property.

The will, in addition to being a document in which people can dispose of their property, is also ideal for inserting information that the testator considers to be important — such as how any debts should be paid, for example. There aren't many impediments to its realization, it's just enough that the person is lucid and is at least 16 years old.

Will: what are the advantages?

When a person dies, a survey is carried out to ascertain all assets and rights left by the deceased. After this survey, the sharing between the heirs will be made.

However, if there is no will, the assets will be distributed to the heirs by legitimate succession.

In this case, it is the law that determines who will receive the inheritance, following the order of hereditary vocation.

Thus, the assets will go to the descendants (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and ad infinitum) in competition with the spouse or partner or to the ascendants (parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and ad infinitum), also in competition with the spouse or partner.

In the absence of ascendants, the one who will receive the inheritance will be the surviving spouse or partner.

In the absence of a surviving spouse or partner, collateral relatives (brothers, uncles, nephews, great-uncles, grand-nephews, grand-nieces) are entitled.

But it may happen that the person wants to leave their property to other people, not just those listed in the law.

In the absence of a surviving spouse or partner, collateral relatives (brothers, uncles, nephews, great-uncles, grand-nephews, grand-nieces) are entitled.

But it may happen that the person wants to leave their property to other people, not just those listed in the law.

Qual parcela do patrimônio pode ser objeto do testamento?

Apenas 50% (cinquenta por cento) da herança – ou seja, a parte disponível – pode ser objeto do testamento. Isso porque 50% de sua herança deve ser transferida, obrigatoriamente, aos herdeiros necessários – se houver.

These necessary heirs are the descendants (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and ad infinitum), ascendants (parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and ad infinitum) and the spouse or partner.

We suggest that our clients make their wills by public deed and with the support of a notary or lawyer.


We also suggest that this document be done by public deed - whose technical terms are Advanced Will Directives (AWD) that externalizes the will of a person who is in the enjoyment of their mental capacities, with the aim of disciplining about care, treatments and medical and therapeutics that they want, or not, to be submitted if is unconscious due to a terminal illness with no prospect of cure.

In addition, you can appoint a person to represent you only in a state of intellectual disability. This allows this person to move your bank accounts, represent you in a company and manage your assets. This procedure avoids the slow, expensive and complicated legal process of interdiction.

The Living Will applies not only to terminally ill people, but to all clinical stages that place them in an end-of-life situation, such as terminal illness, persistent vegetative state, and chronic illnesses. The right to die with dignity is sought.

Created in 2012 with a resolution from the FCM (Federal Council of Medicine), the AWDs will help your doctor and family members to decide the best way to meet your wishes, taking into account technical and ethical principles. Since the resolution, the number of records in Brazil has grown, albeit timidly, according to data from the Colégio Notarial do Brasil – São Paulo Section: there were 35 AWD in 2008, 232 in 2012, 731 (highest number registered to date) in 2015 and 549 in 2020.

The Living Will is made by the individual while he/she is healthy and can be used to guide the treatment of a patient as long as it respects medical ethics. The legislation regarding the use of the will is different depending on the country, but it is agreed in most of them that the patient has the right to decide on the medical treatment he will receive in the face of imminent death. The idea of ​​the Living Will is to allow a person a "dignified death", avoiding unnecessary treatments – or those that have negligible benefits – for the artificial extension of the life.

The CFM resolution nº 1995/2012 provides for the advance directives of the patients' will, as follows:

Art. 1 Defining advance directives of will as the set of desires, previously and expressly expressed by the patient, about care and treatments that they want, or not, to receive when they are unable to express, freely and autonomously, their will.

Art. 2. In decisions about care and treatment of patients who are unable to communicate, or to express their wishes freely and independently, the physician will take into account their advance directives of will.

 § 1º Caso o paciente tenha designado um representante para tal fim, suas informações serão levadas em consideração pelo médico. 

§ 2º O médico deixará de levar em consideração as diretivas antecipadas de vontade do paciente ou representante que, em sua análise, estiverem em desacordo com os preceitos ditados pelo Código de Ética Médica. 

§ 3 The patient's advance directives will prevail over any other non-medical opinion, including the family members' wishes.

§ 4º O médico registrará, no prontuário, as diretivas antecipadas de vontade que lhe foram diretamente comunicadas pelo paciente. 

§ 5 If the advance directives of the patient's will are not known, nor is there a designated representative, available family members or lack of consensus among them, the physician will appeal to the institution's Bioethics Committee, if any, or, in its absence, to the Ethics Committee Physician at the hospital or to the Regional and Federal Council of Medicine to base their decision on ethical conflicts, when they deem this measure to be necessary and convenient. 

Art. 3 This resolution enters into force on the date of its publication. (BRASÍLIA, 2012:269-70).

Among the uses of the document, we can highlight four: 

a) ensure that the patient's wishes are followed by the physician. 

b) avoid disagreements in the family about which procedures to adopt in case of unconsciousness of the patient. 

c) protection and legal support for the physician. 

d) Appointment of a proxy/curator to manage your personal affairs

We suggest that our clients make their wills by public deed and with the support of a family doctor and a notary or lawyer.

The difference between a patrimonial will and an AWD is that the will is only valid after your death and the AWD, in case of intellectual disability. Both can be modified and/or revoked at any time.

Importante: As informações sobre testamentos acima têm como base a legislação brasileira e pesquisas feitas em materiais de especialistas da área e pode variar conforme os países, devendo ser verificada localmente junto a seu advogado e médico de confiança.

A área de Apólices foi desenhada para que você possa salvar suas apólices de vida, previdência ou seguro funeral. O objetivo aqui é que essas apólices sejam entregues para as pessoas que você escolheu, em caso de seu falecimento, garantindo assim que seus entes queridos possam se beneficiar das mesmas. 

Você deve encaminhar suas Apólices para as pessoas que sejam seus beneficiários. Sugerimos que copie também seu advogado de confiança.

The cancellation of your plan can be done directly by you in the area logged in to Cancel Subscription, or, if you prefer, by sending a message to the email requesting the cancellation.

Com sua solicitação, iremos cancelar seu plano e disponibilizar um link que será enviado ao seu e-mail, que estará válido por 30 dias, para que você possa fazer o download de todo conteúdo que incluiu em suas mensagens. Após os 30 dias, todo o conteúdo será apagado automaticamente de nossa base por segurança.

Se você for um assinante pagante, as eventuais cobranças futuras em seu cartão de crédito serão canceladas.

We are always available to answer your questions and hear suggestions for improvements

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